Shavano Park Real Estates Locke Hill Elementary School Review!!!



Again according to out of the 9,336 schools evaluated in Texas, results based on several factors including college entrance exam scores, state assessment scores, and class size to determine a rating for each. Locke Hill Elementary receives a rating of 9, which is moderately high considering the average rating is 8 for elementary schools in Texas.

Size & Student/Teacher Ratio
The average number of students for elementary schools in Texas is 559, so Locke Hill Elementary is large. The student to teacher ratio is 16:1, which is approximately the average for all US elementary schools (15.6) and slightly lower than the average for elementary schools in Texas (15.9).

More Male Students
Males outnumber females at Locke Hill Elementary, where the student body is 55% male and 45% female. Compared to San Antonio the average school in San Antonio is 51.3% male, which means that Locke Hill Elementary has a higher than average proportion of male students compared to other schools in the city. Compared to Texas, most schools in the state of Texas are 51.4% male and 48.6% female on average.

Slightly Higher Test Scores Than Most Elementary Schools in Texas
Locke Hill Elementary is in the top 50% of Texas elementary schools based on how its student body has performed on the state reading and math assessments.

Males Achieve Noticeably Higher Math Proficiency Than Females at This School
While males at this school have achieved higher math proficiency than females, at most elementary schools in the Northside Independent School district, males and females achieve about an equal level of proficiency on the math exam. At the state level, females at elementary schools in Texas have performed about equally as well as males on the math assessment.

Average-Sized Gifted & Talented Program
6% of all students at Locke Hill Elementary are enrolled in the Gifted & Talented Program, which is average compared to the median for all reported elementary schools in Texas (5%).
This school’s Gifted & Talented program is average compared to the median for all reported elementary schools nationally, (5%).

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Posted by in Uncategorized on Sep 3, 2016

Sep. 1